Who we work with:
Sales Teams, Sales Professionals, Sales Managers, Business Development Professionals and Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Presidents, CEO’s, Manager’s, Sole Proprietors, Health Practitioner’s and ADD/ADHD Business Owners
What we do:
- Deliver seminars and sales training throughout the U.S. and worldwide.
- Provide in-house training programs for your managers and employees.
- Customize and provide classroom and learning programs click on seminars to see our complete list.
- Customize and create training programs to fit your business needs and get you good results.
Benefits and results our clients have achieved by working with us:
- “I have a new $700,000 customer based on attending Nancy’s seminar. It gave me new communication strategies to go forward with more confidence. I crossed bridges I might not have crossed.” – SP, Coldwell Banker & Residential Brokerage
- “After only one session of profiling my client and creating a strategy with Nancy, I felt more confident in my ability to communicate and negotiate a long term consulting contract with the company president. – Betsy Cole, Ph.D. Cole Consulting Group
- “Just want to thank you again for your guidance in using the most successful approach I’ve ever used for closing my client today.” -Sheila M. Burke, President of S.O.S.
- “It shaved years off of the learning curve and sales cycle. As a result of working with Nancy, I was more confident and in control of the meeting.” – BG Sr. Trader
Please call #508-284-1229 or email us for a free consultation.